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Foreign Exchange Services

Currency Exchange


This is another area that most expats rarely consider yet all require it. We haven't found anyone offshore who doesnt at some stage need to send or buy another currency. The deafult action for most people is to simply ask their bank to perform the transaction, this can cost thousands more by not using a currency broker. When you use a currency broker their margins (profits) are considerably less than the banks. So for example if you are exchanging AED100,000 in to GBP the saving could be as much as AED 3,000. Can you imaging the savings if you are buying or selling a property!


The service is very easy to use, simply regsiter with our currency partner, book your currency requirement with them on the phone or online, send the currency to them, they will then convert and send to your bank, very simple and hugely cost effective! They can even save you on transfer costs....



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